The MacArthur Center

Equipping Expository Preachers

How do you improve your preaching?

Sermon Mentorship

Submit a sermon and a mentor from The Master’s Seminary will evaluate it, then meet with you through video conference to give you personal feedback on your preaching.

Sermon Modeling

To improve as a preacher, good models are invaluable. On our recommended page, you’ll hear pastors around the world, and throughout church history, deliver sermons that exemplify the genre. Here you’ll find examples worth following when you preach.

Sermon Toolkit

Learn the fundamentals of preaching and make sure you understand how to study, interpret, organize, and deliver the Word of God to the people of God.

How Does John MacArthur Build His Sermons?

In this video, John MacArthur takes you through his process for building every expository sermon, from selecting a text to finalizing notes and delivering the message in the pulpit.

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A Lifetime of Preaching: A Conversation with Alistair Begg

Alistair Begg is the senior pastor of Parkside Church in Cleveland Ohio. He's also the featured teacher on the Truth for Life radio program. Drawing from decades of preaching experience, Pastor Begg answers some personal and practical questions about the art of preaching. If you're a pastor, or preparing to be one, this video has invaluable advice.

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Preaching and the Problem of Evil: A Conversation with Derek Thomas

It's arguably the preacher's most challenging task . . . to accurately and compassionately explain what the Bible says about the problem of evil. Drawing from a lifetime of studying and preaching the book of Job, Derek Thomas's practical wisdom can help any pastor effectively exposit this Old Testament book and address the problem of evil.

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Clarity in Preaching

T. David Gordon, author of Why Johnny Can't Preach, shows expositors how to make every sermon clear and understandable.

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The MacArthur Center's namesake is John MacArthur, who has defined and modeled expository preaching for more than a half-century.

Learn More About Us

The MacArthur Center is a ministry of The Master's Seminary. TMS trains men for pastoral ministry — to preach the Word of God, reach the world for Christ, and teach others to do the same.