Featured Sermon: The Triumphant Song of the Faithful
Michael Staton
Feb, 22 2022
In his exposition of Habakkuk 3:16-19, Dr. Michael Staton provides a model for bridging the gap from the ancient context to the modern audience. Preaching from a commonly neglected book, Michael’s careful exegesis, ordered outline, and warmhearted application is an example to any preacher wanting to teach from the Minor Prophets.
Timeless Exposition from the reformation through the 1800s.
J.C. Ryle: “Unbelief: A Marvel”
In this exposition of Mark 6:6, Bishop Ryle explores the reality of unbelief and why it caused Jesus to marvel.
Jonathan Edwards: “Christ, the Example of Ministers”
Edwards exposits Jesus’ words in John 13:15-16 exhorting his disciples to imitate his servant leadership.
Robert Murray M’Cheyne: “Electing Love”
In this succinct exposition of John 15:15, M’Cheyne exposits Christ’s electing love and implores his hearers to embrace God’s mercy.
Horatius Bonar: “Jesus the Troubler of Jerusalem”
An exposition of Matthew 2:3 that looks at how Jesus' ministry calls sinners to repentance as Christ “sounds his trumpet to awake the sleepers.”
Jonathan Edwards: "Praise, One Of the Chief Employments of Heaven”
In this simple, yet profound, exposition of Revelation 14:2, Edwards demonstrates how the chief employment of the Saints in heaven—praises—has immediate effect for life on earth today.
Archibald Alexander: "Christ, the Believer's Refuge and Consolation
In this look at Hebrews 6:18, Archibald explains why believers can always trust in Christ and hope in his salvation.
The 1900s to Today
Notable sermon from the foremost expositors of the 20th century.
R.C. Sproul: "A Great Salvation"
Speaking of Dr. Sproul, John MacArthur said "he was always a theologian with unequal clarity and conviction. In his final years, as the pastor of St. Andrew's, R.C. became an expositor and he authored commentaries based on his preaching." In this, his final sermon on earth, Dr. Sproul exposits Hebrews 2:1-4, reminding us all of the glory of our salvation.
James Montgomery Boice: “Grace Alone”
With his classic precision and power, Jim Boice engages the topic of sovereign election from Ephesians chapter 2. A model of deep exegesis coupled with concise exposition, this is a helpful model sermon on foundational truth.
S. Lewis Johnson: “Judas Iscariot”
In this fascinating biography of Judas Iscariot, Johnson delivers a comprehensive look at the betraying disciple from Psalm 109.
Martyn Lloyd-Jones: “Christianity – the Only Hope”
From Acts 1:1-3, this exposition explores the power of Christianity and the futility of religion and philosophy.
Sinclair Ferguson: "True Wisdom"
Ferguson exposits the heart of James’ epistle, demonstrating from James 3:13-18 the nature and source of true wisdom. Contending against the worldly philosophies of his day, Ferguson makes clear that James’ words have immediate implication for us today.
Martyn Lloyd-Jones: "But God..."
In this timeless sermon on Ephesians 2:4 titled “But God…,” Lloyd-Jones exposits the two powerful words that in a sense, contain the gospel of grace.
MacArthur Classics
The best of our namesake, John MacArthur.
John MacArthur: “Fifteen Words of Hope”
In this exposition of 2 Corinthians 5:21, John MacArthur walks through the text, word by word, unpacking the glorious nature of reconciliation.
John MacArthur: “Empty Words”
Near the end of his exposition of Christ’s Sermon on the Mount, John MacArthur examines the dangers of spiritual deception and how someone can know if they are truly saved.
John MacArthur: “Empty Hearts”
Having spent an entire year expositing Matthew 5-7, John MacArthur ends the series with a startling challenge to the religious.
John MacArthur: “The Transforming Effect of Loving Christ”
This sermon looks at how the resurrected Jesus restored Peter, who denied Him three times during His trial.
John MacArthur: "Betraying Christ: A Tale of Two Disciples"
Following the life of Peter and Judas, as they walked with Christ, John MacArthur delivers a sobering warning to all who profess the name of Christ. The tale of these two men offers an insight into Satan’s deceptions and the dangers that face each of us as Christians.
John MacArthur: "The Truth About Christmas"
Pastor John usually preaches for close to an hour, but even when he doesn’t, the Word of God still goes forth with unparalleled power. In less than 20 minutes, John MacArthur gives a message defining the true meaning of Christmas.
John MacArthur: "How to Destroy Grace Church"
Following the events surrounding Black Tuesday, John MacArthur preaches an incredibly bold sermon series entitled 'How to Destroy Grace Church', where he shared his burdens with the congregation so that God can be glorified.
John MacArthur: "How Christian Freedom Works"
In this exposition of Galatians 5:13-16, John MacArthur explains how Christian Freedom works.
New and Noteworthy
Model sermons from faithful men expositing the Word today.
Steve Lawson: “The Narrow Way”
In this exposition of Matthew 7:13-23, Lawson focuses on the most riveting words from Jesus’ most provocative sermon.
Adam Ashoff: “The Amazing Jesus: The Gospel According to Mark”
TMS alum, Adam Ashoff, provides an overview of the Gospel According to Mark. This message is a helpful demonstration of how to introduce a book that you will be preaching through.
Dr. Derek Thomas: “Gethsemane”
From the Grace Church pulpit, Derek Thomas delivers a powerful message on the moment of Jesus’ agony in Gethsemane from Mark 14:32-42.
H.B. Charles, Jr.: “Faithful to Pray"
H.B. Charles, At ShepCon 2019, HB preached a powerful expository message from Mark 1:35-39. He demonstrates that Jesus’ faithfulness in prayer governed the direction of his ministry, giving a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the incarnation.
Dale Ralph Davis "Should We Slay Our Giants"
Few men understood the Old Testament, and how to preach it, better than Dale Ralph Davis. His masterful exposition of 1 Samuel 17, the David and Goliath narrative, corrects many false interpretations and can help any expositor understand how to study and explain this famous passage.
Ryan Francis: "The Safest Place You Can Be"
When Israel crossed the Jordan, they were ready for battle. But instead of leading them into war, God first commanded Israel’s army to incapacitate itself by circumcision. TMS alumnus Ryan Francis examines this odd command, and applies it to the church in the age of COVID. The safest place we can be is in obedience to God’s commands.
Jesse Johnson: Sermons on Matthew 8
Listen in as Jesse Johnson walks through the miracle-filled days following Jesus’ ‘Sermon on the Mount’ in six sermons.
Paul Twiss: 1 John
In this series, Dr. Paul Twiss clearly explains the short epistle of 1 John in fifteen profound sermons.
Sinclair Ferguson: The Wretched Man of Romans 7
In this exposition of Romans 7:14-25, Dr. Ferguson makes a passage of Scripture that is often debated very clear. Giving the context of the surrounding passages, this is a wonderful example of clarity in preaching difficult texts.
Alistair Begg: The Power and Message of the Cross
Alistair's message is fine example of how to preach the gospel with simplicity and passion. In this exposition of 1 Corinthians 1:18-31, he unveils the awesome power and wonder of God's grace.
Michael Staton: The Triumphant Song of the Faithful
In his exposition of Habakkuk 3:16-19, Dr. Michael Staton provides a model for bridging the gap from the ancient context to the modern audience. Preaching from a commonly neglected book, Michael’s careful exegesis, ordered outline, and warmhearted application is an example to any preacher wanting to teach from the Minor Prophets.